In The News

CPA's 2024 Legislative Bill Tracker

In an era of constant change and advancement, staying informed about legislative developments is crucial, especially in fields that directly impact the well-being of individuals. CPA's lobbying team has provided transparency and accessibility for CPA members by creating the Legislative Bill Tracker.

Overview of the Legislative Bill Tracker:

CPA's Legislative Bill Tracker is a comprehensive tool designed to keep its members updated on the latest legislative initiatives that could shape the landscape of their profession. This digital platform allows users to monitor proposed bills, track their progress through the legislative process, and access relevant information in real-time.


  1. Comprehensive Bill Profiles: Each bill is accompanied by a detailed profile, outlining its purpose, key provisions, and potential impact on the psychology industry. This feature enables professionals to make informed decisions and contribute meaningfully to the discourse surrounding proposed legislation.

  2. Legislator Contact Information: The tracker includes contact information for relevant legislators, fostering direct communication between professionals and policymakers. This accessibility promotes collaboration and allows psychologists to provide valuable insights during the legislative decision-making process.

  3. Increased Advocacy: By providing a platform for direct engagement with the legislative process, the tracker encourages increased advocacy within the psychology community. This proactive involvement can lead to more effective representation and positive outcomes for the industry.

  4. Enhanced Collaboration: The tracker fosters collaboration among professionals, encouraging a collective effort to shape legislative initiatives. This sense of unity strengthens the psychology community's voice and influence in the policymaking arena.

See Bill Tracker


Welcome New CPA Members!

The Colorado Psychological Association would like to recognize and welcome the following new members who joined CPA in January!

  • Alena KryvanosBarbara Grelling

  • Brian Daniels
  • Dr. Darby Simmerman
  • Jai Pearcy
  • Jose Arenas
  • Nathan Baumann
  • Nicole

Colorado’s youth are struggling with their mental health. You have the opportunity to be a part of the solution.

I Matter offers free, confidential therapy sessions to young people across the state. Speaking to a professional provides space to express feelings and learn important skills.

To help end Colorado’s mental health crisis and provide relief to those in need, visit or contact [email protected] to become a provider for the program. 


Colorado’s youth are struggling with their mental health. You have the opportunity to be a part of the solution.

I Matter offers free, confidential therapy sessions to young people across the state. Speaking to a professional provides space to express feelings and learn important skills.

To help end Colorado’s mental health crisis and provide relief to those in need, visit or contact [email protected] to become a provider for the program. 


Call for Speakers!


The CPA is currently seeking speakers for their 2024 Spring Symposium, which will center around the themes of social media's influence on society and telepsychology. If you possess expertise in either of these subjects, we encourage you to submit your proposal. 

This event is scheduled for late April or early May.

Click here to learn more!

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