CPA Committees: 

CPA committees include: communications; disaster resource network; early career psychologist (ECP); ethics; finance; legislative; membership; nominations; policy and procedures; political action committee; programming

Read More About Committees & Chairs Here

CPA Divisions:

COPAGS: Colorado Psychological Association of Graduate Students (COPAGS) is the student branch of the Colorado Psychological Association. We represent your needs to CPA as a whole, and we work to offer opportunities for professional growth and development to our members.

Read More About COPGAS Division Here

SAMD: The Society for the Advancement of Multiculturalism and Diversity (SAMD) aims to promote a community of collaboration and open dialogue among a multitude of diverse communities and multidisciplinary professional fields toward the advancement of understanding, interconnection, and social justice.   

Read More About SAMD Division Here

RxP: The RxP Division of CPA aims to promote a collaboration between CPA and the broader community of prescribing psychologists, psychologists in training to become prescribers, psychologists who may have an interest in becoming a prescriber, and lay persons with RxP interest. 

Read More About the RxP Division Here



CPA Liaisons: 

CPA liaisons include: APA council representative; APA diversity representative; APA rural representative; disaster response network (DRN) coordinator; federal advocacy coordinator; psychology in the workplace network; public education campaign coordinator.

Read More About Liaisons & Chairs Here

CPA Task Forces: 

CPA task forces include: Forensics Task Force

Read More About Task Forces Here