Disaster Resource Network
The Disaster Resource Network (DRN) committee is comprised of psychologists with an interest in being trained to respond to the mental health needs of community members post-disaster. Disasters may include home fires, natural disasters (e.g., wildfires, hurricanes, or tornadoes), mass violence events (e.g., mass shootings), large-scale accidents (e.g., multi-car or airplane accidents), and more. Psychologists who wish to respond and offer expertise post-disaster may actually end up being liabilities without appropriate training and without affiliation with a responding organization. Heidi Ardern, Ph.D., is the chair of DRN, and you can contact her at [email protected]. CPA Members Offering Pro Bono or Reduced Fees to Victims of the Marshall Fire:
For more information regarding disaster mental health:
Continuing Education and Other Training Opportunities in Disaster Mental Health:
Locally, one of the primary ways mental health practitioners become involved as disaster mental health responders is through the American Red Cross. Find out more about becoming a volunteer here: